Welcome to our produce garden!

In 2023, a local tree care company brought in load after load of wood chips. They also donated the material, time, and labor to construct our first raised beds with lumber milled from local trees they had to remove.

We had one gardener that first year, Jim, a veteran the father of one of the property owners. He grew tomatoes like they were going out of style, and some wickedly delicious cantaloupes.

Jim moved into an assisted living facility and comes to visit. He loves seeing how we have continued growing his garden; even one of his cantaloupes came back.

We now have 7 people growing food in our raised beds, and we have even more volunteers who come to water, pull weeds, plant, build, and educate who AREN'T growing food here. We all come for the comradery, and leave with full hearts and at harvest, full bellies. Thank you, Jim, for inspiring us all.